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Bone Stress Injuries in Runners

-- Rich Willy --
In this PowerTalk we will discuss a) prevention strategies of bone stress injuries; and, b) treatment strategies for the most common bone stress injuries.
We will focus on the two most common bone stress injuries in runners: 5th metatarsal bone stress injuries and tibial bone stress injuries. Epidemiology and risk factors of these bone stress injuries will be discussed, including relative energy deficit in sport (RED-S) and biomechanical risk factors.
Discussion of treatment strategies will include load management, progressive resistive exercises, shoe prescription, and how to guide the return to run process in runners recovering from a bone stress injury.

  • Participants will be able to recognize the main risk factors of bone stress injuries in runners
  • Participants will be able to design a bone loading program to address risk factors of bone stress injuries in runners
  • Participants will be able to describe a rehabilitation program for the two most common bone stress injuries: metatarsal stress fractures and tibial bone stress injuries.
Docent: Rich Willy

Dr. Richard Willy is an Assistant Professor in the School of Physical Therapy, University of Montana (Missoula, MT, USA).  He received his PhD in Biomechanics and Movement Science from the University of Delaware and his master of physical therapy from Ohio University. In addition to his research, Dr. Willy has been a clinician for 18 years specializing in the treatment of the injured runner. His research aims to develop clinically effective treatments for patellofemoral pain syndrome, Achilles tendon injuries and tibial stress fractures. Besides publishing in peer-reviewed journals, Dr. Willy is a national and international presenter of his research and clinical expertise on how to evaluate and treat the injured runner. Dr. Willy and his research have been featured in Runner’s World multiple times. Dr. Willy treats runners of all levels, from the new runner to the elite competitor.

Duur: 2u

DoelgroepKinesitherapeuten, sportkinesitherapeuten en personal trainers.

Accreditatie : Pro-Q Kine - 4 punten

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