Running Injuries : Get Hip​​​​​​​

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    Running Injuries : Get Hip

    -- Jay Dicharry --

    What are you really looking at when you look at runners? A running gait analysis should be an extension of your evaluation, yet many clinicians lack to focus to correlate when they see on the exam table to what they see in a run.

    This PowerTalk will focus on the causative biomechanics in running gait that overload the hip complex. We’ll train your eye to isolate specific gait imbalances, how they impact tissue stresses, how the correlate back to clinical exam testing.

    To achieve these goals, we’ll take a deep loop at hamstring tendinopathy, glut med tendinopathy, femoro-acetabulair impingement, and femoral stress fractures. 
    You’ll leave this PowerTalk with the knowledge and skill to build both rehab interventions and running gait cues to successfully address your runner’s form imbalances. 
    Docent: Jay Dicharry​​​​​​​

    Duur: 2u

    Doelgroep: Bachelor- en masterstudenten in kinesitherapie.

    Bewijs van deelname: Ja!

    Jay Dicharry is a physical therapist, biomechanics researcher, author in Bend (Oregon-USA). His career blurs the line between clinical practice, coaching and engineering to solve problems and optimize performance. He built his reputation in biomechanical analysis as Director of the SPEED Clinic at the University of Virginia and is the Founder of MOBO. Jay literally wrote the book(s) on running gait: he is author of “Running Rewired” and "Anatomy for Runners" and writes for digital and print media. Jay enjoys an active research career, published over thirty-five professional journal articles and book chapters, consults within the running and cycling industry, the US Armed Forces, USA Track and Field, USA Triathlon, and endurance + extreme sports athletes across the world.  Having taught in the Sports Medicine program at UVA and now at the Physical Therapy Program at Oregon State University-Cascades, he brings a strong bias towards patient education, and teaches internationally to elevate the standard of care for Therapists, Physicians, and Coaches. He is excited to share his research-driven focus and expertise to build our students into critical thinkers and push the needle in our profession.

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