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Pelvic Health @ Menopause

-- Michelle Lyons --

Menopause affects over 50% of people on the planet – but do we know enough about how this major hormonal change can affect all body systems, including pelvic health, in life after menopause?

In this Powertalk, Michelle Lyons will give an overview of the hormonal changes from peri to post menopause, with an exploration of the subsequent pelvic health changes/challenges and an evidence based overview of the role of pelvic rehab, and how it fits in a multi-disciplinary approach to management of GSM (Genito-urinary Syndrome of Menopause), and a wider view of how pelvic health at menopause impacts overall health & participation in exercise. We’ll cover:
  • The changing hormonal environment from peri to post menopause
  • Recognising the signs & symptoms of perimenopause beyond hot flashes
  • How this affects muscle, tendon & connective tissue function in general and specifically in pelvic health
  • Why hip health becomes increasingly important in pelvic health at menopause
  • The evidence supporting physiotherapy interventions for pelvic health at menopause
  • Why optimising pelvic health at midlife is essential for avoiding cardiovascular events after menopause (the biggest global killer of women)
Docente : Michelle Lyons
Duur : 2u

Doelgroep : (pelvische) kinesitherapeuten, manueel therapeuten, osteopaten & coaches.

Accreditatie : Pro-Q Kine 4 ptn

Michelle Lyons is a global educator in women's health - with a special emphasis on pelvic health. With over 26 years of physiotherapy experience, she uses a toolbox that includes health coaching, nutrition, yoga, pilates and mindfulness as therapeutic interventions. She teaches nationally, internationally and online and is the founder of Global PelvicPhysio, a group of over 7000 clinicians working in pelvic health. For more information, please visit

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