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Reframing Rotator cuff related shoulder pain

-- Anju Jaggi --

Shoulder pain is a common problem and for most will resolve within 3 months. However, persistent symptoms can be challenging to manage; a biopsychosocial framework is often recommended, but what does this mean in practice?

This PowerTalk will include simplifying diagnostic assessment, share what best practice physio management for Rotator Cuff Related Shoulder Pain (RCRSP) should be, based on current trials, understanding how to optimise exercise prescription personalising it to patient capability. We will discuss exercise progression, with an aim to functional muscle training and navigate participants to online resources and guidelines.

The course will cover our understanding of shoulder muscle EMG activity and how we translate this into practice, the role of symptom modification testskinetic chain in addressing shoulder pain.  As well as the challenges of why does it not always get better, when to consider referral on, managing patient expectations, ensuring shared decision-making so that care is personalised.
Docente : Anju Jaggi
Duur : 2u

Doelgroep : (sport)kinesitherapeuten, manueel therapeuten, (sport)artsen,...

Accreditatie : Pro-Q Kine 4 ptn

Anju Jaggi is a Consultant Physiotherapist with a clinical interest in shoulder dysfunction and research & innovation lead for the Therapy directorate at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital (RNOHT). She has worked at the RNOHT for over 20 years, 18 years of which has been in clinical rehabilitation in managing complex shoulder dysfunction with a specific interest in atraumatic shoulder instability. Anju Jaggi has lectured internationally and presented at numerous scientific meetings. She has published work in the field of motor control at the shoulder, co-supervised post graduate student projects and is involved in several funded research studies. She is currently leading a randomised clinical trial on the role of surgery in atraumatic shoulder instability with the surgical team at Sydney University. She holds a clinical teaching fellow post at University College London (UCL) and is program lead for the new UCL MSc in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. She has served on the board of the European Society of Shoulder & Elbow Rehabilitation (EUSSER) since 2008 and was President of the society from 2012-2015 and is currently serving as the Past President until October 2017. She has also served on the British Shoulder & Elbow Society Education committee and is an active member. Anju Jaggi has a passion for improving the management of shoulder dysfunction as well as globally promoting physical therapy and rehabilitation.

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