The Acromioclavicular Joint : Victims and culprits?
-- Jo Gibson --
Can we treat the AC-joint like any other shoulder pain patient or does it need special attention?
What are the common AC-joint pathologies we see and what are the best management options?
How does an understanding of the functional anatomy provide opportunities for exercise selection?
In this PowerTalk we will explore:
Can we treat the AC-joint like any other shoulder pain patient or does it need special attention?
What are the common AC-joint pathologies we see and what are the best management options?
How does an understanding of the functional anatomy provide opportunities for exercise selection?
In this PowerTalk we will explore:
- Factors affecting stability of the ACJ –relevance to treatment
- Causes of ACJ pain including instability/osteolysis/OA/fractures
- The role of the ACJ in other shoulder pain presentations
- ACJ Stiffness & how to treat it
- ACJ assessment and symptom modification
- Exercises and progression to target the ACJ
- Case studies illustrating treatment approaches